How to Cut Kiwi: Step-by-Step Guide on How to Cut a Kiwi

How to Cut Kiwi

Are you tired of struggling with the fuzzy texture of the entire kiwi and craving a delicious, edible treat for your fruit salads, smoothies, or just to enjoy on its own? 

Look no further! It's time to learn how to peel and cut kiwi like a pro, so you can indulge in this tasty and nutritious fruit without any hassle. Armed with a cutting board, a sharp knife, and a trusty spoon, you'll soon become an expert in dicing this tropical treasure. What if I told you that there are tips and tricks that will make your kiwi-cutting experience a breeze? 

If you're eager to unveil the secrets to perfectly peeled kiwi, prepare yourself for a fruitful journey that will leave your taste buds wanting more!

What is a Kiwi?

A kiwi, often referred to as kiwifruit, is a small oval-shaped fruit that originates from China, where it was initially known as the Chinese gooseberry. Now widely cultivated in countries like New Zealand, Italy, and Chile, the kiwi has gained popularity worldwide for its delightful taste and impressive nutritional value.

Enclosed within its distinctive fuzzy brown skin is a vibrant green flesh that is both tangy and sweet, with a unique texture sprinkled with tiny, edible black seeds. While many prefer to peel the kiwi before consuming it, you can actually eat the skin if you wish. To do so, simply use a vegetable peeler or scrub the fuzzy surface gently under running water to remove any unwanted fuzz.

A ripe kiwi boasts a perfect balance of flavors, reminiscent of a mix between a banana and an apple, making it a fantastic addition to various dishes. The entire fruit can be incorporated into fruit salsa, fruit platters, and even charcuterie boards, offering a burst of color and a delightful flavor profile.

In its versatile glory, the kiwi serves as an ideal ingredient for fruit salads, smoothies, and desserts. By learning how to properly select and prepare this delectable fruit, you'll open the door to a world of culinary possibilities that will leave your taste buds craving more.

3 Ways to Cut Kiwi: Step-by-Step Guide

3 Ways to Cut Kiwi Step-by-Step Guide

Discovering how to cut a kiwi can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. With a few simple techniques, you can learn how to peel and slice this delicious fruit with ease. Here are three methods to help you master the art of kiwi preparation:

Knife Method

The knife method is a traditional approach to peeling and cutting a kiwi. Follow these steps for a quick and efficient way to enjoy the fruit:

  • Lay the kiwi on its side on a cutting board, and using a sharp knife, cut off both ends of the kiwi.
  • Stand the kiwi on one of its flat ends, and carefully cut away the skin in a downward motion, following the curve of the fruit. Rotate the kiwi and repeat until the entire skin is removed. 
  • With the skin removed, you can now slice the kiwi into rounds or cut it in half lengthwise and then slice into half-moons or wedges. If you prefer cubes, first cut the kiwi into rounds, and then cut each round into smaller pieces.

Spoon Method

The spoon method is a popular and convenient way to peel a kiwi using minimal tools. This technique helps preserve the delicate green flesh and is perfect for those who want to eat the fruit with a spoon:

  • Start by cutting off both ends of the kiwi, exposing the green flesh.
  • Hold the kiwi in one hand, and with the other, insert a spoon between the skin and the flesh. Be sure to use a spoon that matches the size of the kiwi for the best results.
  • Gently rotate the fruit while keeping the spoon pressed against the skin, working your way around the kiwi until the entire skin is separated from the flesh.
  • Once the skin is fully detached, simply slide the spoon under the skin to lift and remove it.
  • You can now enjoy the kiwi fruit with a spoon, or place it on a cutting board and slice it into rounds, wedges, or cubes.

Star Cut Method

The star cut method is an attractive and creative way to present kiwi on a fruit platter or as a garnish. This technique transforms the kiwi into beautiful star-shaped slices without the need of removing the skin:

  1. Place the kiwi on its side and, using a sharp paring knife, cut off both ends.
  2. Make a shallow first cut, just deep enough to reach the green flesh, along the length of the kiwi. This cut should be at a slight angle, about 45 degrees from the top.
  3. Rotate the kiwi slightly and make another angled cut, creating a thin wedge of skin that you can easily remove. Continue to rotate the fruit and make angled cuts all around the kiwi, forming a zigzag pattern.
  4. Once you've completed the cuts, gently pull the two halves apart to reveal the star-shaped kiwi slices. e. You can now serve these beautiful kiwi stars as they are, or further slice them into smaller pieces, depending on your desired presentation.

Each of these methods offers a unique and efficient way to peel and cut a kiwi, making it easier for you to enjoy this delightful fruit in various dishes. By mastering these techniques, you'll be well-equipped to prepare and serve kiwi in fruit salads, smoothies, or as a decorative garnish on desserts. So, grab a kiwi, a cutting board, and your preferred tool, and start exploring the wonderful world of kiwi preparation!

How to Buy a Good Kiwi?

How to Buy a Good Kiwi

Selecting a good kiwi can be the key to fully enjoying the taste and health benefits this unique fruit has to offer. Rich in vitamin C and boasting a delightful balance of sweetness and tanginess, kiwis make a delicious and nutritious addition to your diet. To ensure you pick the best kiwi, follow these simple guidelines:

Check the firmness

Gently press the kiwi with your thumb. A ripe kiwi will yield slightly to gentle pressure, while an unripe one will be hard and resist any indentation. Overripe kiwis, on the other hand, will feel mushy and may have a fermented smell. Choose a kiwi that is slightly soft but not too squishy for the perfect texture and taste.

Examine the skin

Look for a kiwi with smooth, unblemished skin, free from wrinkles, bruises, or any signs of mold. Some fuzziness is natural, but avoid kiwis with excessive hair or moisture on the surface, as this may indicate that the fruit is past its prime.

Evaluate the shape

A good kiwi should be oval-shaped and plump, with no flat sides or irregular bumps. Consistent shape usually indicates uniform ripening and a better overall quality of the fruit.

Smell the fruit

A ripe kiwi should have a pleasant, fruity aroma. If the fruit has no scent, it may be underripe and not yet ready for consumption. Conversely, a strong, sour smell may indicate that the kiwi is overripe or spoiled.

Consider the size

While size does not necessarily impact the flavor of a kiwi, larger fruits may have a higher water content, making them juicier and more enjoyable to eat.

Opt for organic

If possible, choose organic kiwis, as they are grown without the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals. Organic kiwis not only offer health benefits, but also tend to have a more intense flavor.

Plan for ripening

If you're not planning to consume the kiwi immediately, you can buy slightly underripe fruits and allow them to ripen at room temperature. To speed up the ripening process, place the kiwi in a paper bag along with an apple or banana, as the ethylene gas released by these fruits will help the kiwi to mature more quickly.

Store properly

To preserve the freshness and quality of your kiwi, store unripe fruits at room temperature and ripe fruits in the refrigerator. This will help maintain the optimal flavor and texture while preventing premature spoilage.

Best Ways to Store Kiwi

Now that you've learned how to select the perfect kiwi, it's essential to know the best ways to store this delicious fruit, ensuring it remains fresh, flavorful, and ready for you to enjoy.

Proper storage can make the fruit easier to handle when it's time to use a knife and prepare the kiwi on a cutting board. Here are some tips to help you store kiwis in the most effective manner:

Store unripe kiwis at room temperature

If you've purchased kiwis that are still firm and unripe, it's best to store them at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Place them on a countertop or in a cool, dark pantry to allow them to ripen naturally.

Speed up ripening with other fruits

To accelerate the ripening process, place the kiwi in a paper bag along with an apple or banana. The ethylene gas released by these fruits will help the kiwi to mature more quickly. Be sure to check the fruit daily to prevent overripening.

Refrigerate ripe kiwis

Once your kiwi has ripened to a slightly soft texture, transfer it to the refrigerator to maintain its freshness and prevent it from becoming overly ripe. Place the kiwi in a produce drawer or on a refrigerator shelf, ideally in a low humidity setting. This will help keep the fruit at its peak flavor and texture for up to two weeks.

Use an airtight container for cut kiwi

If you've already sliced your kiwi to enjoy later, store the cut pieces in an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag in the refrigerator. This will help retain the fruit's moisture and prevent it from drying out or absorbing other odors from the fridge.

Freeze kiwi for long-term storage

For an extended storage option, you can freeze kiwi for up to six months. To do this, first slice off both ends of the fruit and remove the kiwi skin. Then, cut the kiwi into your desired size and shape, such as rounds, wedges, or cubes.

Place the cut kiwi pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, ensuring they don't touch each other. Freeze the pieces until solid, and then transfer them to an airtight container or freezer-safe plastic bag for long-term storage. Frozen kiwi can be used in smoothies, fruit salads, or desserts.


In conclusion, learning how to cut and prepare kiwi can enhance your enjoyment of this delicious and nutritious fruit. From cutting kiwi in half to creating beautiful kiwi rounds, mastering various techniques ensures that you can skillfully use kiwi in diverse culinary creations. Knowing how to handle the kiwi peel and understanding that the skin of the kiwi is edible allows you to fully appreciate the versatility of this tropical delight.

As you continue to practice and explore different ways to slice the fruit, you'll find that working around the fruit becomes second nature, elevating your kiwi experience to new heights.

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To complement your newfound kiwi cutting skills, consider investing in a high-quality wooden cutting board. At Mevell, we offer a range of beautifully crafted wooden cutting boards that not only provide a durable and stable surface for slicing fruits like kiwi, but also add a touch of elegance to your kitchen.

Our cutting boards are designed to protect your knives and make your food preparation experience more enjoyable. Browse our selection and find the perfect wooden cutting board to elevate your kiwi cutting journey.