Cutting Board for Pizza - Best Pizza Cutting Board Buying Guide

Cutting Board for Pizza

Hey there, pizza lovers! Have you ever found yourself craving a hot, delicious pizza, only to struggle when it comes to slicing and serving it? You might be tempted to use a wooden pizza peel or just any old cutting board you have lying around, but that's not going to give you the best results. Trust me, I've been there too. What you need is a pizza cutting board specifically designed to help you cut pizza with ease and precision.

Now, you might be wondering how to pick the right pizza cutting board, especially if you're cutting various types of pizzas. That's where this buying guide comes in! We'll walk you through the essential features and factors to consider when choosing a pizza cutting board. Plus, we'll even introduce you to some versatile options - boards that can be used not only for cutting and chopping pizza, but also for other culinary tasks.

So, are you ready to become a pizza-cutting pro? Grab your pizza cutter, and let's dive into the world of pizza cutting boards together! Read on to find the perfect board that'll make slicing and serving a breeze.

Types of Cutting Boards Available in the Market

When it comes to finding a quality pizza cutting board to help you cut your pizza like a pro, there's no shortage of options available in the market. However, we totally recommend using a wooden cutting board, as it offers the best combination of durability, versatility, and aesthetics. But, just to give you a fair idea of the other materials available, let's explore some other types of cutting boards and why they may not be the best choice for cutting pizza.

Wooden Cutting Board - The Best Option

A wooden cutting board, such as a walnut or maple pizza board, is the ideal choice for cutting and serving pizza. These boards are not only visually appealing but also provide a stable and sturdy surface for you to cut your pizza with ease. They're easy to clean, and with proper care, they can last longer than other cutting board materials.

Wooden pizza cutting boards usually come in various sizes, with 13.5 inches being a perfect size for serving a large pizza to your guests. One of the great benefits of using a wood pizza board is that it doesn't slip on the countertop, ensuring a safer cutting experience. Plus, wooden cutting boards often feature a juice groove, which helps contain any liquids or crumbs from your pizza crust.

Plastic Cutting Boards

Plastic cutting boards are popular due to their affordability, lightweight nature, and the fact that they can be washed in the dishwasher. However, when you're cutting pizza, plastic cutting boards may not be the best choice. They can develop deep grooves and scratches from the pizza cutter, which can make them harder to sanitize. Moreover, plastic cutting boards should never be used for cutting hot pizzas, as the heat can cause them to warp or release harmful chemicals.

Silicone Cutting Boards

Silicone cutting boards are another option you might come across while searching for a pizza cutting board. They are dishwasher safe, easy to clean, and available in various colors. Despite these benefits, silicone boards are not the ideal choice for cutting pizza. They are often too flexible, which can make it difficult to cut through the pizza crust without the board bending or the pizza sliding off.

Glass Cutting Boards

Glass cutting boards may seem like a stylish and modern option for your kitchen, but they are not the best choice when it comes to cutting pizza. Glass boards are hard, which can cause your pizza cutter to become dull over time. Moreover, they can be slippery, increasing the risk of accidents while cutting. Finally, glass cutting boards can be quite noisy when you're cutting pizza, which can be annoying to some people.

To sum up, while there are various types of cutting boards available in the market, a wooden cutting board is the best choice for cutting and serving pizza. Not only does it provide a stable surface that ensures the pizza doesn't slip while you're cutting, but it also offers an aesthetically pleasing and versatile option for your kitchen. Wooden pizza cutting boards come in various sizes, and with proper care, they can last longer than other materials.

So, the next time you make pizza, remember to use a wooden pizza cutting board for the best cutting experience. Whether you're a seasoned pizza maker or just starting out, investing in a quality wooden cutting board will enhance your pizza-making and serving experience for you and your guests.

Things to Consider When Buying Cutting Board for Pizza

Things to Consider When Buying Cutting Board for Pizza

Aside from materials, there are several other factors to consider when buying a cutting board for pizza. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential aspects to keep in mind while shopping for the perfect pizza cutting board. With the right choice, you'll be able to create a delightful pizza experience for you and your guests.


Pizza cutting boards come in various shapes, including round and square. A round pizza cutting board is perfect for serving traditional round pizzas, while a square or rectangular board can accommodate both round and square pizzas. Consider the pizza sizes and shapes you typically make or order when choosing the shape of your cutting board.


Size is an important factor when buying a pizza cutting board. The board should be large enough to accommodate the size pizza you usually make or order, with some extra space for comfortable cutting. A 13.5-inch round pizza cutting board is a great choice for serving large pizzas. Remember, a board that is too small can make cutting and serving pizza challenging, while an oversized board may be difficult to store and clean.


Choose a cutting board made from a hard wood, like walnut or maple, to ensure it lasts through everyday use. An end grain cutting board is particularly durable, as it is less likely to warp or crack over time. Make sure the board is sturdy enough to withstand regular cutting without damage.


The price of pizza cutting boards can vary widely, depending on the material, size, and brand. While it's essential to find a board that offers value for your money, keep in mind that a higher-priced cutting board may be more durable and long-lasting, making it a better investment in the long run.

Ease of Cleaning

A pizza cutting board should be easy to clean and maintain. Wooden cutting boards can be wiped down with a damp cloth and mild soap, and then dried immediately. Avoid allowing your cutting board to soak in water or putting it in the dishwasher, as this can cause warping or cracking. Look for a board with a smooth, non-porous surface, as this will be easier to clean and less likely to harbor bacteria.


When cutting pizza, it's essential to have a stable surface. This is to ensure that it doesn't slip and cause accidents. Look for a cutting board with non-slip feet or a textured surface to provide additional stability.


While functionality should be your primary concern when choosing a pizza cutting board, aesthetics also play a role. A beautiful cutting board can double as a serving platter, perfect for serving your pizza straight from the oven to the table. Consider the overall appearance of the cutting board and how it will complement your kitchen decor and table setting.


Proper maintenance is crucial for extending the life of your pizza cutting board. After each use, clean the board thoroughly and dry it completely before storing it. Regularly oiling your wooden cutting board with food-grade mineral oil can help prevent it from drying out and cracking. Finally, avoid leaving the cutting board in direct sunlight or near heat sources, as this can cause warping.


While a dedicated pizza cutting board is a great choice for pizza enthusiasts, consider whether you need a board specifically for pizza or one that can be used for other tasks as well. A versatile cutting board that can handle chopping, slicing, and dicing other ingredients, in addition to cutting pizza, may be a more practical choice for everyday use.


A warranty can provide peace of mind when purchasing a pizza cutting board. Look for a cutting board with a manufacturer's warranty that covers defects in materials and workmanship. This can help ensure that you're investing in a quality product that will last for years to come.

Tips on Taking Care of Your Wooden Pizza Cutting Boards

Taking proper care of your wooden pizza cutting boards is essential to keep them in excellent condition and ensure they provide great durability for years to come. Wooden cutting boards require a little more attention than their plastic or silicone counterparts, but with a few simple tips, you can maintain them without worrying. Here's how to take care of your wooden pizza cutting boards:

Avoid Dishwashing

Please don't put your wooden cutting boards in the dishwasher, as the intense heat and water can cause them to warp or crack. Boards should never be washed in the dishwasher; instead, clean them by hand using warm water, a mild dishwashing soap, and a gentle sponge or brush.

Dry Thoroughly

After washing, it's essential to dry your cutting board completely before you start using it again or storing it. Use a clean cloth or paper towel to wipe off any excess water and then leave it to air dry for a while. This helps prevent moisture from seeping into the wood, which can lead to warping or bacterial growth.

Regularly Oil Your Board

Oiling your wooden pizza cutting board helps maintain its natural moisture and prevents it from drying out or cracking. Depending on the type of wood and how often you use the board, you may need to oil it every few weeks to a few months. Use a high-quality product, such as food-grade mineral oil, and an oil applicator to evenly distribute the oil across the board's surface. Allow the oil to absorb for a few hours or overnight, and then wipe off any excess oil with a clean towel.

Avoid Deep Scratches

When using your wooden pizza cutting board, try to minimize deep scratches from kitchen knives or pizza cutters. Deep scratches can harbor bacteria and make it harder to clean the board. If your board does develop deep scratches, consider sanding it down and re-oiling it to restore its surface.

Keep Your Knives Sharp

Using sharper knives on your cutting board can help reduce the risk of deep scratches and gouges. Sharper knives require less pressure to cut through food, which can help protect the surface of your cutting board.

Protect Your Board from Slipping

To ensure safety while using your wooden pizza cutting board, consider attaching silicon feet to the bottom or using a non-slip mat underneath. This will prevent the board from slipping while you're cutting, reducing the risk of accidents.

Store Properly

Store your wooden pizza cutting board in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources, which can cause warping or cracking. If possible, store it vertically to allow for better air circulation and prevent moisture buildup.

Sanitize When Necessary

If you're using your cutting board for raw meat or poultry, sanitize it after each use to prevent cross-contamination. You can use a solution of one tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water to sanitize the board, then rinse it thoroughly with water and dry completely before you start using it again.

By following these simple tips, you can maintain your wooden pizza cutting board's quality and appearance, ensuring that it remains a valuable tool in your kitchen that will last you a long time. With proper care, you can continue to make your pizza and enjoy the benefits of using a wooden cutting board without worrying about its longevity.


In conclusion, choosing the right cutting board for your pizza-making needs is essential for a delightful culinary experience. Wooden pizza cutting boards made from hardwood are ideal for people who like to create homemade pizzas, offering great durability and an attractive appearance.

Remember to clean and maintain your wooden cutting board properly, using a brush or a sponge for gentle cleaning, and letting it dry completely to avoid running the risk of warping.

Wooden cutting boards are not only great for serving but pizza cutting board also are multifunctional and perfect for all your chopping needs.

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At Mevell, our products come in a variety of high-quality pizza cutting boards made from non-toxic hardwood materials. Our boards come in different shapes and sizes, catering to various pizza-making preferences.

Choose from our range of stylish and durable pizza cutting boards that will elevate your pizza-making experience, ensuring you get the best results every time. Browse our collection of wooden cutting boards today and find the perfect board to use for your pizza needs.